Edith’s Paprika Chicken
This is one of my absolute favorites from my childhood. Which is good — Mom made it often. The chicken was always tender, and oh-so moist and flavorful. But as a kid I wouldn’t...
This is one of my absolute favorites from my childhood. Which is good — Mom made it often. The chicken was always tender, and oh-so moist and flavorful. But as a kid I wouldn’t...
I have no idea where this recipe came from. I need to ask Dad. All my siblings love it. Me? Can’t stand it, never did. Just not my taste. But given it’s overall popularity...
Mom found this recipe in a magazine when I was a teenager. It was a big hit with pork chops and just as big a hit with chicken. For a number of years we...
Mom made pumpkin pie every Thanksgiving, usually a couple of them. I suspect this recipe came off a can of pumpkin pie filling. Mom had done pie from scratch before I was born, but...
Dad grew some rhubarb, but our neighbors grew even more – far more than we could use. So, we always had enough rhubarb to use! Not so surprisingly, my first batch of wine was...
When I was little, we went on a picnic every Memorial Day, visiting relatives and often graves. Mom made this every year, and continued making it, off-and-on, when Kevin & I were older and...
These came into the family while I was in college. A college friend’s family introduced me to shrimp egg rolls. We liked those, but I developed a recipe for chicken egg rolls that used...
I think my sister Denise got the recipe for this from a friend. It sounded SOOOO gross to a little kid! But as with the Mayonnaise Cake, the taste convinced me! Tomato Soup Cake...
Mom didn’t make this one all that often, but it was a favorite of mine. Probably the visual appeal was as good as the taste. She dressed it up by using canned pineapple rings...
Mom make this about once a year. I remember the delicate texture (not that a child cares about that) and the rich flavor (which a child does care about!). Pineapple Cheesecake 8 oz cream...
The first time I recall Mom making this (I was probably 8) I was totally grossed out by the idea of putting MAYONNAISE in a cake! The taste got me over that issue, REALLY...
This was the other cake Mom made frequently so Dad could take some with his lunch. I still love this one as well as the banana! Eggless Cake 1 cup sugar 1 cup sour...
I don’t honestly remember anything about this recipe, other than Mom making it a few times while I was a teenager. The recipe probably came from a can of cherries. Dutch Cherry Cake 2-1/2...