Mediterranean Tacos
Wednesday night I had Lorraine get a package of ground venison out of the freezer. Wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it, but venison was on the agenda. That Thursday she...
Wednesday night I had Lorraine get a package of ground venison out of the freezer. Wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it, but venison was on the agenda. That Thursday she...
I got an urge last week — I wanted to create a meat sauce for pasta. So I read a bunch of recipes to get ideas, and then (per usual) did my own thing....
We were planning to make cod for dinner tonight … pending the availability of cod at Harris Teeter. Sadly, they were out and the other seafood was too rich in price for our blood....
I decided to do something special yesterday, so while at Costco I purchased 2 lobster tails and 1/2 lb of sea scallops. Why? Because I felt like it. I grilled the lobster tails —...
Thursday Lorraine got out a package of pork tenderloin and asked me to cook it. Meh. Not that I don’t like pork tenderloin, but I’ve been doing (more or less) the same ‘ole thing...
Yesterday afternoon I found a package of pork tenderloin defrosting on the counter. That morning Lorraine asked me what to get out for dinner, and I said, “I don’t care.” I’d cook whatever she...
A few weeks back Patrick spotted edamame pasta in Costco … so of course we purchased it! FYI – “edamame” is green soy beans. Tonight I decided to use half (it’s a 2 lb...
I picked up Norwegian trout at BJs today. Lorraine and I had decided to pick up something for dinner at BJs, and that fit the bill. Lorraine concurred. Lorraine wanted me to roll it...
I purchased a package of seaweed knots recently. Nope. I had no idea what a “seaweed knot” was … but I never let that slow me down. The package looked interesting, and google is...
The important thing about this recipe is NOT the filling — it is the sauce. I have made this with numerous fillings. The last two times I used Dann’s BBQ — locally owned restaurant,...
Yesterday morning I found a package of pork tenderloin defrosting on the counter. Lorraine had just left for a marching band event and there was no note, no explanation. No biggie. I assumed (rightly)...
I’m willing to bet that I have not made this recipe since we moved to North Carolina. I recall I made it the first time while Lorraine and I were either dating or engaged....
I got this recipe from the father of one of Eric’s elementary school friends. I had the sausage when he served it, but never made it myself. I need to correct this deficiency. Tuscan...
This one is labeled “I” because I have several different recipes I’ve tried, all successfully. I need to locate the other recipes and post them. I also need to get the sausage stuffer attachment...
I use this same seasoning for pork sausage and for venison sausage. Italian Sausage 1 pork butt, 4 to 5 lbs, coarsely ground for sausage 2 tsp paprika or sweet red pepper, ground 1...