Category: All Recipes

Chicken in Puff Pastry 0

Chicken in Puff Pastry

Our refrigerator died last week — getting new appliances is tough. Two-thirds of the models we looked at on major sites are out of stock, and those that are have delivery dates into May...

Pork-in-the-Oven 0


My Mom made this on a regular basis when I was growing up. It was one of my favorite dishes. For a very tasty dish, it’s amazingly simple to make. Pork-In-The-Oven 8 pork chops...

Scallops Casino 0

Scallops Casino

I think I got this recipe from a friend many moons ago. This is another one I haven’t made in ages. Funny, when Lorraine was looking at recipes last night to decide which one...

Baked Scallops Scampi 0

Baked Scallops Scampi

I recall that I invented this recipe as I wanted to make a dish something like Shrimp Scampi. Regardless of motivation, Lorraine loves it. We haven’t made this in years, as the sons don’t...

General Tso Stirfry 0

General Tso Stirfry

I was looking for ideas for dinner when I spotted a recipe for General Tso’s Chicken Nuggets. It sounded interesting, but I wasn’t interested in deep frying chicken nuggets. Or deep frying anything, for...

Yakitori Don 0

Yakitori Don

This recipe came off the AllRecipes site. Unlike most recipes I get from other sources, the ingredient list didn’t change much (although I reorganized it), but I completely rewrote the directions. Yakitori Don MARINADE:...

Shrimp Teriyaki 0

Shrimp Teriyaki

This title is misleading. The real purpose of this post is the Teriyaki Sauce. I purchased a large bag of 13-15 count shrimp for Eric’s birthday dinner a few weeks ago. The bag is...

Cherry Sauce 0

Cherry Sauce

Today is Eric’s birthday and Lorraine asked me to get a cheesecake for dessert. I was going to buy a can of cherry pie filling in case anyone wanted sauce on their cheesecake …...

Pork-Port Stroganoff 0

Pork-Port Stroganoff

I read a recipe on Better Homes & Gardens recently that caught my attention. It was a beef stroganoff recipe where the sour cream sauce was mixed together, then poured over the meat and...

Three Onion Soup 0

Three Onion Soup

As much as I enjoy onion soup, I’ve never made it until recently. For whatever reason, I had a belief that it took significant effort. A few months ago I spotted an onion soup...

Quick Pumpkin Ravioli 0

Quick Pumpkin Ravioli

This was our second side dish for New Year’s Eve dinner, along side the lobster ravioli. Boiling ravioli made from wonton skins can make a mess if any of the ravioli didn’t seal well,...